Tradelink showcased case study of supply chain solutions under the Pilot Subsidy Scheme for Third-party Logistics Service Providers
To encourage the adoption of technology by the logistics sector for enhancing efficiency and productivity through the "Pilot Subsidy Scheme for Third-party Logistics Service Providers" ("TPLSP"), Tradelink was delighted to take part in a TPLSP case study sharing seminar co-organised by the Hong Kong Supply Chain and Logistics Association ("HKSTLA") and the Hong Kong Productivity Council on 24 February 2023. At the seminar, Tradelink shared a case study on how our 3PL client upgrade their business operations with our smart supply chain solution.
The seminar was attended by members of HKSTLA which are 3PLs in Hong Kong. As one of the registered solution/service providers under TPLSP, Tradelink was invited to speak at the sharing session, where our Vice President of Supply Chain Solutions, Rex Cheng, shared a case study of our 3PL client who have successfully applied for TPLSP with our solutions for their digital transformation. In the project, we provided the client with our self-developed Warehouse Management System and Transportation Management System which were implemented at their multiple storeys warehouse to digitally manage their logistics operations from order placement to product delivery. With the financial assistance from the Government for 2/3 of the total project costs, our client was able to enhance the accuracy and efficiency of their daily operations using our solutions with substantially reduced investment required at its end.
With our in-depth domain knowledge in the logistics industry, we will continue to enhance and promote our solutions to help our 3PL clients maximise digital efficiency with the support of the relevant government funding.