Corporate governance
The Company is committed to the highest standards of corporate governance for the enhancement of shareholders' value. The Company believes that good corporate governance not only protects investors' interest but also the Company's interest.
It is also of the view that good corporate governance is a reflection of the standard and quality of the management and operations of the Company, which is pivotal in winning over the long-term support of stakeholders on which the Company's success is dependent.
Board of Directors
The Company is led and controlled through the Board of Directors, which is constituted by 3 Executive Directors, 3 Non-executive Directors, including the Chairman of the Board, and 4 Independent Non-executive Directors. The Board meets regularly.
The Board oversees the overall management and operations of the Company. Major responsibilities include approving the Company's overall business, financial and technical strategies, setting key performance targets, approving budgets and major expenditures, supervising and scrutinise the performance of management.
The Board has established the following committees: the Audit and Governance Committee, the Remuneration Committee, the Nomination Committee and the Investment Committee.
Board of Directors & Senior Executivesarrow_circle_right
List of Directors and Their Roles and Functionsdownload
Policy of Board Diversity, Refreshment & Succession and Sizedownload
Audit and Governance Committee
The main duty of the Audit and Governance Committee is to ensure the objectivity and credibility of the financial reporting and uphold good corporate governance functions of the Company. The full complement of Audit and Governance Committee consists of 4 Independent Non-executive Directors.
- Ms. CHEUNG Ho Ling Honnus (Chairman)
- Mr. CHAK Hubert
- Mr. CHAU Tak Hay
- Mr. LIN Sun Mo, Willy, G.B.S., J.P., FCILT
Terms of Reference of the Audit and Governance Committeedownload
Remuneration Committee
The main duty of the Remuneration Committee is to review and develop the Company's policy on remuneration for its Directors, members of its board committees and its Senior Management. It also provides a medium of public accountability, which is not controlled by the Company's management. The Remuneration Committee consists of 1 Non-executive Director and 2 Independent Non-executive Directors.
- Mr. CHAU Tak Hay (Chairman)
- Ms. CHEUNG Ho Ling Honnus
- Dr. LEE Nai Shee, Harry, S.B.S., J.P.
Nomination Committee
The main duty of the Nomination Committee is to ensure a fair and transparent procedure for the nomination and appointment of Directors. The Nomination Committee consists of 1 Non-executive Director and 2 Independent Non-executive Directors.
- Mr. LIN Sun Mo, Willy, G.B.S., J.P., FCILT (Chairman)
- Ms. CHEUNG Ho Ling Honnus
- Dr. LEE Nai Shee, Harry, S.B.S., J.P.
Terms of Reference of the Nomination Committeedownload
Procedures for shareholders to propose a person for election as a directordownload
Investment Committee
The main duty of the Investment Committee is to set up a policy to guide the Company's investments in financial instruments to maximise return on the Company's cash reserves having regard to the risks involved. The Investment Committee consists of 2 Independent Non-executive Directors.
- Mr. CHAK Hubert (Chairman)
- Mr. CHAU Tak Hay