Tradelink showcased its Intelligent Supply Chain Solutions at LSCM Logistics Summit, ALMAC and LOGTECH Expo 2022

Mr. Jack Lee, General Manager of Tradelink Supply Chain Solutions, spoke on "Logistics Digital Transformation" at the LOGTECH Expo 2022.

Mr. Jack Lee, General Manager of Tradelink Supply Chain Solutions, spoke on "Logistics Digital Transformation" at the LOGTECH Expo 2022.
Tradelink, a leading provider of e-commerce services for Hong Kong business community, was delighted to participate in three major events for Hong Kong's logistics industry in the past three months, including the Logistics and Supply Chain MultiTech R&D Centre (LSCM) Logistics Summit, the Asian Logistics, Maritime and Aviation Conference (ALMAC), and the LOGTECH Expo.
In November 2022, we participated in two events including the ALMAC, the annual flagship function organised by the Hong Kong Trade Development Council on 22-23 November and the LOGTECH Expo organised by the Hong Kong Productivity Council on 28-29 November. We showcased our Warehouse Management System (WMS) and Transportation Management System (TMS) solutions at both events, where we received a lot of interest from potential customers and partners. We were also invited to speak at the LOGTECH Expo on "Logistics Digital Transformation" at which our General Manager of Supply Chain Solutions, Mr. Jack Lee, talked about how robotic/automated operations could help businesses maximise digital efficiency.
On 30 September, we also took part in the LSCM Logistics Summit. With the theme "Rise above the challenges with Innovation", the event gathered hundreds of government officials, industry experts, business leaders and academia representatives to explore opportunities brought about by technology advancements for Hong Kong's logistics industry.
2022 has been an encouraging year for our Supply Chain Solutions business as our flagship products WMS/TMS continue to gain recognition in the market and we are engaged in several major projects with more diverse and sophisticated scope. We are happy to be able to come back to these physical events to connect with different stakeholders in the logistics industry face-to-face to promote our solutions, as well as to explore potential opportunities for business collaborations.

Tradelink's team showcased WMS/TMS solutions at the ALMAC 2022.

Tradelink's team showcased WMS/TMS solutions at the LSCM Logistics Summit 2022.
Logistics and Supply Chain MultiTech R&D Centre (LSCM) was founded in 2006 with funding from the Innovation and Technology Fund of the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. Since its inception, LSCM's mission has been to foster the development of core competencies in logistics and supply chain related technologies in Hong Kong, and to facilitate the adoption of these technologies by industries in Hong Kong as well as Mainland China.
Themed "The Future of the Sustainable Supply Chain: Connectivity, Collaboration, Innovation" the 12th edition of the Asian Logistics, Maritime and Aviation Conference (ALMAC) brings together participants from logistics, maritime, air freight and supply chain management sectors to gain insights, exchange market intelligence and explore business opportunities.
About LOGTECH Expo
Jointly organised by the Transport and Logistics Bureau and the Hong Kong Productivity Council (HKPC), the LOGTECH Expo is a technology showcase that offers funding advice, expert sharing and all-round support for local logistics SMEs, to keep them abreast of the latest technological trends of the sector and to make better use of government funding up to HK$1 million for business upgrading and transformation.