Hong Kong Shippers' Council × PAOB × Tradelink co-hosted seminar on "New Formula to Expand your Business under the Supply Chain Crisis"
To help SMEs combat the logistics and cashflow challenges under the global supply chain crisis, Tradelink co-hosted a seminar on "New Formula to Expand your Business under the Supply Chain Crisis" with Hong Kong Shippers' Council and Ping An OneConnect Bank (Hong Kong) Limited ("PAOB") on 17th June, 2022 at The Salisbury - YMCA of Hong Kong. We are also pleased to have The Hong Kong Exporters' Association as a supporting organization for the event.

List of speakers (From left to right)
- Mr. Andy Li, Head of SME Banking, Ping An OneConnect Bank (Hong Kong) Limited
- Mr. Sunny Ho, Executive Director, Hong Kong Shippers' Council
- Ms. Irina Fan, Director of Research, Hong Kong Trade Development Council
- Mr. Eric Wong, Director and Chief Executive Officer, Marina Container Lines (HK) Limited

Gathered around 70 participants from SME owners to association delegates, the seminar invited industry experts from the Trade, Logistics and Financial sectors to share their insights on the outlook of Hong Kong trade environment and tips on how SMEs can expand their businesses amid the global supply chain crisis.
Ms. Irina Fan, Director of Research of the Hong Kong Trade Development Council ("HKTDC"), started the seminar by sharing the outlook of Hong Kong trade which shows positive signs as the pandemic recedes, Hong Kong's 2020 export growth remains unchanged at 8%. Further elaborating on the post-pandemic changes to global trade and supply chain, Mr. Sunny Ho, Executive Director of the Hong Kong Shippers' Council, pointed out the importance of digitalization for businesses to reduce dependency on physical labor in transportation, logistics and warehousing.
To offer solutions for SMEs to tackle the cashflow challenge during the global supply chain crisis, Mr. Andy Li, Head of SME Banking of PAOB, introduced a product under the Government's SME Financing Guarantee Scheme, ‘Trade-Connect Loan' which PAOB partnered with Tradelink to provide to selected Tradelink SME clients. With Tradelink's massive operational data and PAOB's distinctive credit assessment model, PAOB was able to conduct a thorough risk assessment profiling of Tradelink customers, and offer up to $5 million pre-approval loan to whitelisted clients. Without the need for documents to be submitted and within days, loan approval can be provided. The loan service has achieved remarkable results with a total drawdown amount of over $1.5 billion since product launch in June 2020.
Tradelink is delighted to have the opportunity to meet our customers in person at the physical seminar which could only be held as the pandemic started to ease off in recent months. Looking forward, we will continue to organize more seminars inviting industry experts to share latest market insights and to explore practical business solutions with our customers.