Thank you for customers' kind charity donation to fight against Novel Coronavirus! The total is doubled by our matching donation!

Tradelink would like to express our heartfelt thanks to the hundreds of customers who have converted their bonus points into charity donation via our Membership Rewards Program over the last 2 months in support of our charity partners to fight against Novel Coronavirus.
To respond to the pandemic, Tradelink organized a donation matching program from 2 Mar to 30 Apr 2020 whereby we would match the customers' donation thus doubling the total donation amount to our long-term charity partners Oxfam and Hong Kong PHAB Association. Over the period, we have received warm response from hundreds of customers converting their bonus points to charity donation under this matching program.
Oxfam and Hong Kong PHAB Association have been organizing campaigns that help members of the community to fight against the virus such as distributing face masks and hand sanitizers to those in need. Oxfam reaches out to low-income families, elderly people who live alone, street cleaners and ethnic minorities while Hong Kong PHAB Association takes care of persons with disabilities.
All the donation will be rendered to our charity partners. We would like to thank our customers once again for the generous support during these difficult times and their simple actions that help our community.