Tradelink awarded Family-Friendly Employers 2015/2016

Tradelink was honored to be awarded "Family-Friendly Employers 2015/16" in the biennial Family-Friendly Employers Award Scheme jointly organised by the Family Council and the Home Affairs Bureau of the HKSAR Government. The award scheme aims at fostering a pro-family culture and environment by giving recognition to employers who attach importance to the family-friendly spirit, encouraging them to continue to put in place measures to raise employers' awareness of the importance of family core values. For the first time joining the scheme, Tradelink was also pleased to receive a newly-added "Award for Breastfeeding Support 2015/16" which commends employer for providing suitable facilities in the workplace to support breastfeeding employees.
At Tradelink, we consider employees as our most valuable assets and deeply believe family-friendly policies can increase our employees' sense of belonging and maintain manpower stability which in turn result in a win-win situation for staff and the company. When employees take good care of their families, they are more productive and willing to go the extra mile at work. This makes a healthy cycle. Through the adoption of family-friendly employment policies and practices, we have built up a highly motivated and efficient workforce contributing to the enhanced productivity and competitiveness of the company.
Apart from the family-friendly provision, providing staff with training and development opportunities, creating a safe and healthy workplace, and helping them achieve a work-life balance are also an integral part of the company's concern. This year, Tradelink introduced examination leave and training subsidy to encourage staff undertaking relevant courses / training for self-improvement. In addition, we have replaced all chairs for our staff by modern, ergonomic chairs which suit for staff sitting long hours working on computers. Also we have furnished a new common room which offers a relaxed space for staff to retreat or socialize with their co-workers. All these demonstrate our commitment to a pro-family environment and harmonious workplace with the aim to attract and retain quality staff to work for the company in maintaining our competitive edge.