PAN ASIAN E-COMMERCE ALLIANCE steps into a new era with Pan Asia Exchange (PAE)
Tradelink Electronic Commerce Limited ("Tradelink", SEHK: 0536), as Hong Kong's representative member in the Pan Asian e-Commerce Alliance ("PAA"), attended the 50th Pan Asian e-Commerce Alliance ("PAA") Steering Committee meeting, hosted by TEDMEV from 20th to 21st August 2015 in Macao. The meeting brought the members from 11 member economies together to discuss the latest business development and initiatives to facilitate cross border transactions and enhance operation efficiency for international trade. The establishment of the PAE - an eMarketplace operated by PAA for overseas buyers to identify qualified sellers in Asia was the highlight of the meeting.
Mr. Ricky Sou, General Manager of TEDMEV, expressed a warm welcome to Mr. Vong Kuok Chong, the Assistant Director General of Customs Macao SAR as a guest of honor and all the PAA members. Mr. Sou also thanked all members and their expertise contributions over the last 15 years, to make PAA's a success. The success relies on the accumulated contribution, expertise, hard work and painstaking effort from all members. Therefore, taking the opportunity of this very special moment - the 50th Steering Committee meeting to express his deep gratitude for all members' contribution.
PAA Chairman, Mr. Francis Lopez, in his speech drew attention to the PAA was now a brand increasingly respected by the trade facilitation community. The members are recognised as experts in cross border paperless trade facilitation, single window implementation, enhancement in transport and logistics services. Recent innovations included creating new services in trade finance and electronic banking. All these initiatives are widely recognised and successfully maintains the members' leading position in customs and trade facilitation in the respective economies.
"With our new born project - PAE is the first PAA product operated by the members in their respective economies, and the collaborative effort has motivated the members to pursue the development of more PAA products and services. The Work Group discussions have brought out new ideas, with the PAA PAAS (Platform as a Service) as the means to rapidly deploy new products in the region. I look forward to the positive impact of these initiatives on PAA and PAE." Mr. Lopez said.
The 51st PAA Steering Committee Meeting will be held in Hong Kong on 3rd to 4th December 2015.

Photo Caption: The 50th PAA Steering Committee Meeting was held from 20th to 21st August 2015 in Macao.