Tradelink 2024 Interim report

7 貿易通電子貿易有限公司 二零二四年中期報告 Chairman’s Statement (Continued) 主席報告書(續) Overall speaking, I am cautiously optimistic about the operating performance of the Group for the whole of 2024. In terms of our treasury functions, it is expected that we would continue to allocate our cash in time deposits to capitalise on the current high interest rates, particularly in the short term. However, we are mindful of an impending interest rate cut expected to occur closer to the end of the year. Anyhow, in doing so, we shall continue to have some certainty about our interest income, which forms the majority of our other net income. Turning back to the outlook of our three business segments for the second half of 2024, I anticipate that our IDM segment, SCS sub- segment, and Smart PoS and related business sub-segment would show improvement in their performance. On the other hand, I expect the momentum seen in the GETS and GETS-related services sub-segments during the first half of the year to continue. For IDM business, we are confident in finalising a couple of new orders after our hard work in the first half of the year. Furthermore, we are preparing to launch new products later the year to cope with the emerging cybersecurity risks. We are hopeful that they would create a fresh revenue stream for us. Together with the work-in-progress projects carried forward from previous years and new orders received early this year with work ongoing, we expect somewhat solid performance of our IDM business for the whole year. As mentioned in my statement in the 2023 Annual Report, our SCS business has been undergoing a refreshment phase in 2024 to better position itself strategically in the supply chain market. To this end, a strategic review exercise was started last year and completed recently as scheduled. The outcome of this exercise has provided us with a clear business blueprint, enabling us to revitalise our service offerings and pursue new opportunities. In fact, we have already secured a couple of new orders in recent months and we are confident that we would be able to complete delivery of these orders, with revenue recognition expected in the second half of the year. Going forward, we feel optimistic about our SCS sub-segment. 整體而言,本人對本集團於二零二四年全年的經營 表現持審慎樂觀態度。就我們的庫務職能而言,尤 其是在短期內,預期我們將利用當前的高利率,繼 續將現金存入定期存款。然而,我們注意到,預期 利率於接近今年年底時將有所下調。無論如何,我 們藉此可繼續確保獲得部分利息收入,其構成我們 其他收入淨額的主要部分。 回到我們三個業務分部於二零二四年下半年的前 景,本人預計我們的身份管理分部、供應鏈應用方 案子分部以及智能銷售點及相關業務子分部的表現 將有所提升。另一方面,本人預期 GETS 及 GETS 相關 服務子分部於今年上半年的勢頭將會持續。 就身份管理業務而言,經過今年上半年的努力,我 們有信心敲定若干新訂單。此外,我們正準備於今 年稍後時候推出新產品,以應對新出現的網絡安全 風險。我們希望其能為我們創造新的收益來源。連 同過去數年結轉的正在進行的項目及今年年初接獲 並進行中的新訂單,我們預期身份管理業務於全年 的表現將相對穩健。 誠如本人在二零二三年年報中的報告書所述,我們 的供應鏈應用方案業務在二零二四年正經歷一個更 新階段,以更好地在供應鏈市場中進行自我策略定 位。就此,我們於去年開始一項策略審查工作,並 於最近如期完成。該項工作的成果為我們提供一個 清晰的業務藍圖,以使我們能夠振興服務供應並尋 求新機遇。事實上,我們已於最近數月獲得若干新 訂單,且我們有信心能夠完成此等訂單的交付,並 預期將於今年下半年確認收益。展望未來,我們對 供應鏈應用方案子分部持樂觀態度。