Tradelink 2024 Interim report

6 Tradelink Electronic Commerce Limited Interim Report 2024 Chairman’s Statement (Continued) 主席報告書(續) 就我們的其他服務分部(主要包括智能銷售點(「銷 售點」)及相關業務以及 GETS 相關服務)而言,其於 二零二四年上半年的營業額及分部溢利分別為港幣 15,200,000 元(二零二三年:港幣 16,600,000 元)及港 幣 9,100,000 元(二零二三年:港幣 10,100,000 元), 亦相應按年下跌 8.3% 及 9.2% 。於報告期間,此業務 分部錄得的總營業額港幣 15,200,000 元(二零二三 年:港幣 16,600,000 元)中,港幣 4,800,000 元(二零 二三年:港幣 5,100,000 元)來自我們的智能銷售點及 相關業務,而港幣 10,400,000 元(二零二三年:港幣 11,500,000 元)來自我們的 GETS 相關服務。鑒於遊客 及居民的消費模式轉變趨勢持續,對本地零售市場 造成不利影響,我們智能銷售點及相關業務不溫不 火的業績並不令人意外。於報告期間,我們並無就 智能銷售點裝置接獲新訂單,同時,我們為銀行客 戶的商戶所設置具持續維護及支援(「維護及支援」)服 務的裝置數量亦有所下降。由於缺少了智能銷售點 銷售收益以及維護及支援服務收益有所減少,此子 分部的營業額按年下降 6.2% 。就我們的 GETS 相關服 務而言,於報告期間,總收益按年下降 9.2% ,乃主 要由於缺少了於二零二三年上半年從政府收到有關 開發及設置貿易單一窗口(「單一窗口」)(第一及第二 階段)電話查詢中心服務的一次性收益。 在本集團業務於二零二四年下半年的前景方面,本 人有理由相信我們將一如既往地超越今年上半年的 表現。假設外部需求繼續保持良好勢頭,預期香港 對外貿易表現將保持正向,原因為中國對全球而言 仍為重要的供應國,而香港仍位於中國與世界其他 地區之間的重要貿易通道。然而,誠如過去數年的 經歷,我們必須要承認地緣政治局勢緊張會帶來不 確定性,更不用提及令許多國家感到意外的所有大 型政府選舉以及今年十一月的美國總統選舉。 As regards our Other Services segment which mainly comprises our Smart Point-of-Sales (“PoS”) and related business as well as the GETS- related services, its turnover and segment profit for the first half of 2024 of HK$15.2 million (2023: HK$16.6 million) and HK$9.1 million (2023: HK$10.1 million) respectively were also down 8.3% and 9.2% year- on-year correspondingly. Out of the total turnover of HK$15.2 million (2023: HK$16.6 million) recorded for this business segment during the reporting period, HK$4.8 million (2023: HK$5.1 million) was generated from our Smart PoS and related business and HK$10.4 million (2023: HK$11.5 million) from our GETS-related services. The tepid result of our Smart PoS and related business did not come as a surprise, given the ongoing trend of changes in consumption patterns among both visitors and residents that have adversely affected the local retail market. During the reporting period, while we received no new order for our Smart PoS devices, the number of devices which we deployed for merchant clients of our bank customers with ongoing maintenance and support (“M&S”) services also dropped. Attributed to the absence of Smart PoS sales revenue and a decrease in M&S services revenue, the turnover of this sub-segment experienced a decline of 6.2% year-on-year. As for our GETS-related services, total revenue declined 9.2% year-on-year during the reporting period largely due to the absence of the one-off revenue received in the first half of 2023 from the Government for the development and setup of the call centre services for the Trade Single Window (“TSW”) (Phases 1 and 2). Regarding the outlook for the Group’s business for the remainder of 2024, I am reasonably confident that we will, as always, surpass the performance achieved in the first half of the year. On the assumption that external demand will continue to hold up well, Hong Kong’s external trade performance is expected to stay positive given that China remains a critical supplier to the world and Hong Kong an important trade conduit between China and the rest of the world. However, it is important to acknowledge that geopolitical tensions can introduce uncertainties, as we have experienced in previous years, not to mention all the big government elections that have surprised many countries as well as the presidential election in the United States in November later this year.