Tradelink 2024 Interim report

5 貿易通電子貿易有限公司 二零二四年中期報告 Chairman’s Statement (Continued) 主席報告書(續) During the reporting period, the growth of the Mainland and US markets provided a favourable operating environment for our Government Electronic Trading Services (“GETS”) sub-segment within the E-Commerce segment. Closely tied to Hong Kong’s external trade activities, the overall GETS market experienced a good growth of 7.4% during the first half of 2024, when compared to the same period last year. Certainly, this single-digit growth was also partly due to the low base for comparison from last year when Hong Kong’s external trade faced strong headwinds amid weak overseas demands. Revenue from our GETS sub-segment for the first half of 2024 of HK$74.6 million (2023: HK$70.0 million) was up 6.6% year-on-year. As our Supply Chain Solutions (“SCS”) sub-segment also recorded a growth of 17.9% to HK$10.6 million in the first half of the year (2023: HK$9.0 million), the total turnover of our E-Commerce segment recorded during the reporting period was HK$85.2 million (2023: HK$79.0 million), denoting a surge of 7.9% year-on-year. With overall cost contained, our E-Commerce segment generated pleasing result for the first half of 2024 with segment profit surged 28.9% year-on-year to HK$27.1 million (2023: HK$21.1 million). Our IDM segment and Other Services segment, however, recorded a decrease in both turnover and segment profit to varying degrees. The IDM segment experienced a 24.3% decline in turnover for the first half of 2024, primarily due to the slow market development and hesitant client commitments. Additionally, since most of the staff costs were fixed, the profit for our IDM segment dropped by 63.9% from an accounting perspective even though a reasonable amount of the staff cost had been used to develop new solutions and products for our clients in the future. In terms of numbers, the turnover and segment profit for the reporting period were HK$22.2 million (2023: HK$29.4 million) and HK$2.4 million (2023: HK$6.6 million) respectively. 於報告期間,內地及美國市場的增長為電子商貿分 部中的政府電子貿易服務(「 GETS 」)子分部提供有利 的經營環境。 GETS 的整體市場與香港的對外貿易活 動緊密相關,與去年同期相比,其於二零二四年上 半年錄得 7.4% 的良好增長。當然,此個位數增長的 部分原因為去年的比較基數較低,當時海外需求疲 弱,香港對外貿易面對強大阻力。於二零二四年上 半年, GETS 子分部的收益為港幣 74,600,000 元(二零 二三年:港幣 70,000,000 元),按年增長 6.6% 。由於 我們的供應鏈應用方案(「供應鏈應用方案」)子分部於 今年上半年亦錄得增長 17.9% 至港幣 10,600,000 元(二 零二三年:港幣 9,000,000 元),我們的電子商貿分部 於報告期間錄得總營業額港幣 85,200,000 元(二零二 三年:港幣 79,000,000 元),按年激增 7.9% 。在整體 成本得到控制的情況下,我們的電子商貿分部於二 零二四年上半年取得令人滿意的業績,分部溢利按 年激增 28.9% 至港幣 27,100,000 元(二零二三年:港幣 21,100,000 元)。 然而,我們的身份管理分部及其他服務分部的營業 額及分部溢利均錄得不同程度的減少。身份管理分 部於二零二四年上半年的營業額下降 24.3% ,乃主 要由於市場發展緩慢及客戶承諾猶豫不決。此外, 由於大部分僱員成本屬固定成本,儘管相當僱員成 本乃用於未來為客戶開發新的解決方案及產品,但 就會計角度而言,我們身份管理分部的溢利下降 63.9% 。就數字而言,於報告期間的營業額及分部 溢利分別為港幣 22,200,000 元(二零二三年:港幣 29,400,000 元)及港幣 2,400,000 元(二零二三年:港幣 6,600,000 元)。