Tradelink 2024 Interim report

Chairman’s Statement 主席報告書 4 Tradelink Electronic Commerce Limited Interim Report 2024 致各位股東: 誠如我們在二零二三年年報中所述,我們預期二零 二四年會是不穩定及不確定的一年。因此,本人欣 然報告,本公司及其附屬公司(「本集團」)於二零二 四年上半年取得相對良好的業績,營業額為港幣 122,700,000 元(二零二三年:港幣 124,900,000 元), 經營溢利為港幣 34,000,000 元(二零二三年:港幣 33,400,000 元),除稅前溢利為港幣 46,000,000 元(二 零二三年:港幣 44,200,000 元),以及除稅後溢利 為港幣 40,700,000 元(二零二三年:港幣 38,800,000 元)。 除本人稍後將詳細闡述不同業務分部出現的起伏 外,我們能在當前高利率環境下獲得良好的利息收 入,以及從我們的聯營公司 OnePort Holdings (BVI) Limited (「 OnePort 」)獲得若干股份溢利港幣 300,000 元。我們亦已採取成本控制措施,以確保在市場方 向不明朗的情況下妥善分配稀缺資源,同時繼續我 們以客戶為中心的方針,提供優質服務並滿足客戶 期望。 現在請讓本人來談論三個業務分部。總體而言,與 去年相比,該等分部今年的情況稍有互換。換言 之,相比去年,電子商貿分部表現有所提升,而身 份管理(「身份管理」)分部及其他服務分部錄得若干下 調。幸好該等差異在整體上已基本抵消,其展現出 我們過去數年在專注於收入來源多元化方面所作的 努力而帶來的良好平衡。 Dear Shareholders, As mentioned in our 2023 Annual Report, we expected a precarious and uncertain 2024. As such, I am happy to report that the Company and its subsidiaries (the “Group”) has been able to achieve comparably good results in the first half of 2024 with a turnover of HK$122.7 million (2023: HK$124.9 million), operating profit of HK$34.0 million (2023: HK$33.4 million), profit before tax of HK$46.0 million (2023: HK$44.2 million) and after tax profit of HK$40.7 million (2023: HK$38.8 million). Apart from some ups and downs in our different business segments that I shall elaborate more later, we were able to generate good interest income given the prevailing high interest rates and some share profit of HK$0.3 million from our associate, OnePort Holdings (BVI) Limited (“OnePort”). Cost control measures have also been applied to make sure we allocate our scarce resources properly given the unclear market direction, while continuing our client-centric approach to deliver quality services and meet our clients’ expectations. Let me now turn to the three business segments. At a high level, their fortunes swapped a little bit this year when reviewed against last year’s. That is to say, the E-Commerce segment performed better while Identity Management (“IDM”) segment and Other Services segment experienced some downward adjustments when compared to the previous year. Fortunately, the differences were largely netted off overall and this demonstrates a good balance act from our efforts in the last few years to focus on diversifying our income sources.