Tradelink 2024 Interim report

Financial Highlights 財務概要 2 Tradelink Electronic Commerce Limited Interim Report 2024 Six months ended Six months ended 30 June 2024 30 June 2023 截至二零二四年 六月三十日 止六個月 截至二零二三年 六月三十日 止六個月 (Unaudited) (Unaudited) (未經審核) (未經審核) HK$’000 HK$’000 港幣千元 港幣千元 Revenue 收益 122,652 124,920 Profit from operations 經營溢利 33,952 33,361 Profit before taxation 除稅前溢利 46,003 44,184 Profit for the period 期內溢利 40,693 38,840 Profit attributable to ordinary equity shareholders of the Company 本公司普通股股權持有人  應佔溢利 40,693 38,840 Earnings per share (HK cents) 每股盈利(港仙) Basic (Note 1)  基本 (附註 1 ) 5.12 4.89 Diluted (Note 2)  攤薄 (附註 2 ) 5.12 4.89 Interim dividend per share (HK cents) (Note 3) 每股中期股息(港仙) (附註 3 ) 3.7 3.7 As at As at 30 June 2024 31 December 2023 於二零二四年 六月三十日 於二零二三年 十二月三十一日 (Unaudited) (Audited) (未經審核) (經審核) HK$’000 HK$’000 港幣千元 港幣千元 Total assets 資產總額 534,491 545,581 Net assets 資產淨值 366,887 376,204 Note 1 : The calculation of basic earnings per share is based on the profit attributable to ordinary equity shareholders of Tradelink Electronic Commerce Limited (the “Company”) of HK$40,693,000 (2023: HK$38,840,000) and the weighted average number of ordinary shares in issue during the period of 794,634,000 (2023: 794,634,000 shares). Note 2: The calculation of diluted earnings per share is based on the profit attributable to ordinary equity shareholders of the Company of HK$40,693,000 (2023: HK$38,840,000) and the weighted average number of ordinary shares of 794,634,000 (2023: 794,634,000 shares), after adjusting for the effect of potential dilution from ordinary shares issuable under the Company’s share option scheme. Note 3: The 2024 interim dividend of HK 3.7 cents per share is calculated based on the dividend payout ratio of about 72% of the profit attributable to the ordinary equity shareholders of the Company of HK$40,693,000 and the number of ordinary shares of 794,634,000 as at 30 June 2024. 附註 1 : 每股基本盈利乃根據貿易通電子貿易有限公司(「本 公司」)普通股股權持有人應佔溢利港幣 40,693,000 元(二零二三年:港幣 38,840,000 元)及期內已發行普 通股的加權平均股數 794,634,000 股(二零二三年: 794,634,000 股)計算。 附註 2 : 每股攤薄盈利乃根據本公司普通股股權持有人應佔 溢利港幣 40,693,000 元(二零二三年:港幣 38,840,000 元)及普通股的加權平均股數 794,634,000 股(二零二三 年: 794,634,000 股)(已就本公司購股權計劃下可予發 行普通股的潛在攤薄影響作出調整)計算。 附註 3 : 二零二四年中期股息每股 3.7 港仙乃根據本公司普 通股股權持有人應佔溢利港幣 40,693,000 元的派息 率約 72% 及於二零二四年六月三十日普通股股數 794,634,000 股計算。