Tradelink 2024 Interim report

34 Tradelink Electronic Commerce Limited Interim Report 2024 Corporate Governance (Continued) 企業管治(續) 根據上市規則第 13.51B(1) 條須予披 露的董事及行政總裁的資料變動 除下列者外,自刊發二零二三年年報起直至本中期 報告日期,本公司董事及行政總裁的資料並無變 動: (i) 英子文先生、陳紫茵女士及鍾維國先生分別退 任非執董、獨董及獨董,自二零二四年股東週 年大會結束後生效。 (ii) 張可玲女士獲委任為獨董,自二零二四年股東 週年大會結束後生效。 (iii) 鄭俊聰先生(執董兼技術總監)分別獲委任為貿 易通(澳門)一人有限公司(本公司之附屬公司) 及數碼貿易運輸網絡有限公司(本公司之附屬 公司)的行政管理機關成員及董事,自二零二 四年七月一日起生效。 (iv) 謝錦強先生(執董兼行政總裁)分別不再擔任貿 易通(澳門)一人有限公司(本公司之附屬公司) 及廣州貿訊易通電子科技有限公司(本公司之 附屬公司)的行政管理機關成員及董事,自二 零二四年七月一日起生效。 (v) 袁民忠先生, S.B.S. (候任行政總裁)獲委任為 本公司所有附屬公司的董事,自二零二四年七 月一日起生效。 (vi) 鍾順群女士退任執董及營運總監,自二零二四 年八月一日起生效,並於其退任後不再擔任本 公司所有附屬公司的董事。 Changes of Directors’ and Chief Executives’ Information Pursuant to Rule 13.51B(1) of the Listing Rules There have been no changes in the information of Directors and Chief Executives of the Company since the publication of the 2023 Annual Report up to the date of this Interim Report, save and except that: (i) Mr. YING Tze Man, Ms. CHAN Chi Yan and Mr. CHUNG Wai Kwok Jimmy retired as a NED, an INED and an INED respectively with effect from the conclusion of the 2024 AGM. (ii) Ms. CHEUNG Ho Ling Honnus has been appointed as an INED with effect from the conclusion of the 2024 AGM. (iii) Mr. CHENG Chun Chung Andrew (an ED and the Chief Technology Officer) has been appointed as an administrator and a director of 貿易通 ( 澳門 ) 一人有限公司 (subsidiary of the Company) and Digital Trade and Transportation Network Limited (subsidiary of the Company) respectively with effect from 1 July 2024. (iv) Mr. TSE Kam Keung (an ED and the Chief Executive Officer) ceased to be an administrator and a director of 貿易通 ( 澳門 ) 一人 有限公司 (subsidiary of the Company) and 廣州貿訊易通電子科 技有限公司 (subsidiary of the Company) respectively with effect from 1 July 2024. (v) Mr. YUEN Man Chung, S.B.S. (the Chief Executive Officer- designate) has been appointed as a director of all subsidiaries of the Company with effect from 1 July 2024. (vi) Ms. CHUNG Shun Kwan retired as an ED and the Chief Operations Officer with effect from 1 August 2024 and also ceased to be a director of all subsidiaries of the Company upon her retirement.