Tradelink 2024 Interim report

33 貿易通電子貿易有限公司 二零二四年中期報告 Corporate Governance (Continued) 企業管治(續) 董事會(續) 附註: (1) 英子文先生、陳紫茵女士及鍾維國先生分別退任非執 董、獨董及獨董,自二零二四年股東週年大會結束後生 效。 (2) 英子文先生因工作安排而未克出席於二零二四年二月六 日舉行的董事會會議。 (3) 袁永生先生因工作安排而未克出席於二零二四年二月六 日及二零二四年四月十七日舉行的董事會會議。 (4) 周德熙先生因海外工作安排而未克出席於二零二四年三 月二十二日舉行的董事會會議。 (5) 張可玲女士獲委任為獨董,自二零二四年股東週年大會 結束後生效。 (6) 鍾順群女士退任執董及營運總監,自二零二四年八月一 日起生效。 上市發行人董事進行證券交易的標準 守則 本公司已採納標準守則,以規管董事買賣本公司證 券。在作出特定查詢後,全體董事已確認,彼等於 截至二零二四年六月三十日止六個月內一直遵守標 準守則所載的規定準則及其有關董事進行證券交易 的行為守則。 審核及管治委員會 截至二零二四年六月三十日止六個月的中期業績及 中期財務報告雖未經審核,惟已由本公司外部核數 師畢馬威會計師事務所及董事會的審核及管治委員 會審閱。 The Board (Continued) Notes: (1) Mr. YING Tze Man, Ms. CHAN Chi Yan and Mr. CHUNG Wai Kwok Jimmy retired as a NED, an INED and an INED respectively with effect from the conclusion of the 2024 AGM. (2) Mr. YING Tze Man was unable to attend the Board meeting on 6 February 2024 due to business engagements. (3) Mr. YUEN Wing Sang Vincent was unable to attend the Board meetings on 6 February 2024 and 17 April 2024 due to business engagements. (4) Mr. CHAU Tak Hay was unable to attend the Board meeting on 22 March 2024 due to overseas engagements. (5) Ms. CHEUNG Ho Ling Honnus has been appointed as an INED with effect from the conclusion of the 2024 AGM. (6) Ms. CHUNG Shun Kwan retired as an ED and the Chief Operations Officer with effect from 1 August 2024. Model Code for Securities Transactions by Directors of Listed Issuers The Company has adopted the Model Code to govern its Directors’ dealings in the Company’s securities. Having made specific enquiry, all Directors have confirmed compliance with the required standards set out in the Model Code and its code of conduct regarding Directors’ securities transactions throughout the six months ended 30 June 2024. Audit and Governance Committee The interim results and the interim financial report for the six months ended 30 June 2024 have not been audited but have been reviewed by the Company’s external auditors, KPMG, and the Audit and Governance Committee of the Board.