Tradelink 2024 Interim report

28 Tradelink Electronic Commerce Limited Interim Report 2024 Disclosure of Directors’ Interests (Continued) 董事的權益披露(續) 購股權計劃(續) No. of options outstanding as at 1 January 2024 No. of options granted during the period No. of options exercised during the period No. of options cancelled during the period No. of options lapsed upon termination of employment/ expiry of the 10-year exercise period No. of options outstanding as at 30 June 2024 Date of Grant Exercise period Exercise price per share Market value per share on Date of Grant Market value per share on exercise of options (1) 於二零二四年 一月一日 尚未行使的 購股權數目 期內授出的 購股權數目 期內行使的 購股權數目 期內註銷的 購股權數目 因終止受僱╱ 十年行使期 屆滿而失效的 購股權數目 於二零二四年 六月三十日 尚未行使的 購股權數目 授出日期 行使期 每股行使價 於授出日期 每股股份的 市值 購股權行使時 每股股份的 市值 (1) HK$ HK$ HK$ 港幣元 港幣元 港幣元 Ex-employees 前僱員 2,900,000 – – – (2,900,000) – 30/06/2014 10 years 1.90 1.90 – 二零一四年六月三十日 十年 2,900,000 – – – – 2,900,000 02/07/2015 10 years 1.78 1.73 – 二零一五年七月二日 十年 2,100,000 – – – – 2,100,000 04/07/2016 10 years 1.57 1.56 – 二零一六年七月四日 十年 500,000 – – – – 500,000 28/04/2017 10 years 1.592 1.59 – 二零一七年四月二十八日 十年 Total 總計 64,700,000 – – – (11,900,000) 52,800,000 Notes: (1) Being the weighted average closing price of the Company’s ordinary shares immediately before the dates on which the options were exercised. (2) Mr. YING Tze Man and Mr. CHUNG Wai Kwok Jimmy retired as a NED and an INED respectively with effect from the conclusion of the 2024 AGM. (3) Ms. CHUNG Shun Kwan retired as an ED and the Chief Operations Officer with effect from 1 August 2024. Pursuant to Rule 17.07(2) of the Listing Rules, the number of options available for grant under the Scheme Mandate Limit at the beginning and the end of six months ended 30 June 2024 were 907,319 and 0 respectively. The Service Provider Sublimit (as defined in Chapter 17 of the Listing Rules) is not applicable to the Company as it has never granted any options to Service Providers (as defined in Chapter 17 of the Listing Rules). Share Option Scheme (Continued) 附註: (1) 即本公司普通股於緊接購股權行使日期前的加權平均收 市價。 (2) 英子文先生及鍾維國先生分別退任非執董及獨董,自二 零二四年股東週年大會結束後生效。 (3) 鍾順群女士退任執董及營運總監,自二零二四年八月一 日起生效。 根據上市規則第 17.07(2) 條,於截至二零二四年六月 三十日止六個月期初及期末,可根據計劃授權限額 授出的購股權數目分別為 907,319 份及 0 份。由於本 公司從未向服務提供者(定義見上市規則第十七章)授 出任何購股權,故服務提供者分項限額(定義見上市 規則第十七章)並不適用於本公司。