Tradelink 2024 Interim report

22 Tradelink Electronic Commerce Limited Interim Report 2024 Disclosure of Directors’ Interests (Continued) 董事的權益披露(續) 購股權計劃(續) 可就根據二零一四年購股權計劃將予授出的所有購 股權而發行的股份總數,合共不得超過於二零一四 年購股權計劃的採納日期(即二零一四年五月九日)本 公司已發行股本的 10% (即 79,207,319 股股份)(「計劃 授權限額」)。在計算計劃授權限額時,已失效的購 股權將不會計算在內。 因行使購股權而須就每份購股權支付的認購款項須 由董事會釐定,且不得少於下列較高者: (i) 股份在購股權的書面要約日期(「授出日期」, 必須為營業日)於香港聯交所每日報價表所列 的收市價;及 (ii) 股份在緊接授出日期前五個營業日於香港聯交 所每日報價表所列的平均收市價。 於本中期報告日期,根據二零一四年購股權計劃可 予發行的股份總數為 43,525,000 股股份,佔該日期本 公司已發行股份的約 5.48% 。 於截至二零二四年六月三十日止六個月期間,可就 二零一四年購股權計劃項下授出的購股權而發行的 股份數目除以上述期間內已發行股份的加權平均數 約為 0.06 。 Share Option Scheme (Continued) The total number of shares which may be issued in respect of all options to be granted under the Share Option Scheme 2014 shall not exceed in aggregate 10% of the issued capital of the Company at its adoption date, being 79,207,319 shares on 9 May 2014 (the “Scheme Mandate Limit”). Options that have lapsed shall not be counted for the purpose of calculating the Scheme Mandate Limit. The subscription amount payable in respect of each share option upon exercise of an option shall be determined by the Board and shall be not less than the greater of: (i) the closing price of the shares as stated in the SEHK’s daily quotation sheet on the date, which must be a business day, of a written offer of such option (the “Date of Grant”); and (ii) the average closing price of the shares as stated in the SEHK’s daily quotation sheets for the five business days immediately preceding the Date of Grant. As at the date of this Interim Report, the total number of shares available for issue under the Share Option Scheme 2014 is 43,525,000 shares, representing approximately 5.48% of the issued shares of the Company on that date. The number of shares that may be issued in respect of options granted under the Share Option Scheme 2014 during the six months ended 30 June 2024 divided by the weighted average number of the shares in issue for the said period is around 0.06.