Tradelink 2024 Interim report

21 貿易通電子貿易有限公司 二零二四年中期報告 Disclosure of Directors’ Interests (Continued) 董事的權益披露(續) 購股權計劃 二零一四年購股權計劃於二零一四年五月九日獲採 納並於二零二四年五月八日屆滿,自此概無任何購 股權將根據二零一四年購股權計劃獲授出。董事會 在於二零二四年三月二十二日舉行的董事會會議上 決定不採納任何新購股權計劃,然而,根據二零一 四年購股權計劃授出的尚未行使的購股權將繼續有 效及可行使,直至相關行使期完結為止。 根據二零一四年購股權計劃,在上市規則及任何適 用法例的規限下,董事會可全權酌情向本公司或本 集團旗下任何公司的任何僱員(不論全職或兼職)、 董事 ( 包括獨董 ) 、專業顧問、業務夥伴或諮詢顧問授 出可認購本公司股份的購股權,惟因任何一名承授 人行使在任何十二個月期間內獲授的購股權而發行 或將發行的股份總數不得超過本公司已發行股份的 1% 。接納購股權要約時,承授人須向本公司支付港 幣 1.00 元,作為獲授購股權的象徵式代價。承授人 必須自本公司的要約日期(包括當日)起計 21 個曆日 內接受要約。每份購股權的行使期為十年,而二零 一四年購股權計劃的詳情(包括但不限於歸屬條件、 購股權於授出日期的公允價值以及所採納的會計準 則及政策(如適用)載於「未經審核中期財務報告附 註」的 附註 15 。 二零一四年購股權計劃之目的如下: (a) 協助本公司吸引及留聘最佳員工;及 (b) 為僱員、董事、專業顧問、業務夥伴及諮詢顧 問提供額外獎勵,以促進本集團成功, 此計劃透過授出購股權要約為上述人士提供以個人 身份持有本公司權益的機會。根據二零一四年購股 權計劃發行的股份在本質上與本公司其他股份相 同。 Share Option Scheme The Share Option Scheme 2014 was adopted on 9 May 2014 and expired on 8 May 2024, upon which no further options shall be granted under the Share Option Scheme 2014. The Board decided at the Board meeting held on 22 March 2024 that no new share option scheme would be adopted, however, the outstanding options granted under the Share Option Scheme 2014 shall continue to be valid and exercisable up to the end of the relevant exercise periods. Under the Share Option Scheme 2014, subject to the Listing Rules and any applicable law, the Board had the absolute discretion to offer any employees (whether full or part-time), directors (including INEDs), consultants, business associates or advisers of the Company or any company within the Group options to subscribe for the shares of the Company, provided that the total number of shares issued or to be issued upon exercise of the options granted to any one grantee in any 12-month period shall not exceed 1% of the shares of the Company in issue. The grantee shall pay HK$1.00 to the Company as nominal consideration for the grant upon acceptance of the offer of an option. An offer must be accepted within 21 calendar days from and including the date of the offer by the Company. Each option has a 10-year exercise period and the details of the Share Option Scheme 2014 (including but not limit to vesting conditions, the fair value of options at the date of grant and the accounting standard and policy adopted, where applicable) are set out in Note 15 to the “Notes to the Unaudited Interim Financial Report”. The purpose of the Share Option Scheme 2014 is: (a) to assist the Company to attract and retain the best available personnel; and (b) to provide additional incentives to employees, directors, consultants, business associates and advisers to promote the success of the Group, by providing them with an opportunity to have a personal stake in the Company through an offer of grant of options. The shares issued under the Share Option Scheme 2014 are identical in nature with the other shares of the Company.