Tradelink 2024 Interim report

20 Tradelink Electronic Commerce Limited Interim Report 2024 Disclosure of Directors’ Interests (Continued) 董事的權益披露(續) Directors’ and Chief Executives’ Interests and Short Positions in Shares, Underlying Shares and Debentures (Continued) Aggregate Long Positions in Shares and Underlying Shares (Continued) Notes: (1) Of these shares, (a) 101,125,000 shares were held by TAL Apparel Limited (“TAL”), in which Dr. LEE Harry Nai Shee, S.B.S., J.P. has indirect shareholding; and (b) 95,673,000 shares were held by Eastex (HK) Limited (“Eastex”), of which Dr. LEE Harry Nai Shee, S.B.S., J.P. is the sole shareholder and sole director. Accordingly, Dr. LEE Harry Nai Shee, S.B.S., J.P. is deemed to be interested in these shares under the SFO. (2) These shares were held by TAL, in which Dr. LEE Delman has indirect shareholding. Accordingly, Dr. LEE Delman is deemed to be interested in these shares under the SFO. (3) The interests in underlying shares represented the share options granted by the Company to the Directors as beneficial owners under the share option scheme of the Company (the “Share Option Scheme 2014”), details of which are set out in the section headed “Share Option Scheme” below. (4) Mr. YING Tze Man and Mr. CHUNG Wai Kwok Jimmy retired as a Non-executive Director (“NED”) and an Independent Non-Executive Director (“INED”) respectively with effect from the conclusion of the Company’s annual general meeting held on 24 May 2024 (“2024 AGM”). (5) Ms. CHUNG Shun Kwan retired as an Executive Director (“ED”) and the Chief Operations Officer with effect from 1 August 2024. Save as disclosed above, as at 30 June 2024, none of the Directors or the Chief Executives of the Company or any of their spouses or children under eighteen years of age had interests or short positions in the shares, underlying shares or debentures of the Company or any associated corporations (within the meaning of Part XV of SFO) as recorded in the register required to be kept under Section 352 of SFO or as otherwise notified to the Company and the SEHK pursuant to the Model Code. 董事及最高行政人員於股份、相關股 份及債權證的權益及淡倉(續) 於股份及相關股份的合計好倉(續) 附註: (1) 於該等股份中, (a)101,125,000 股股份由聯業製衣有限 公司 ( 「 TAL 」 ) 持有,而李乃熺博士, S.B.S., J.P. 於 TAL 中 擁有間接股權;及 (b)95,673,000 股股份由 Eastex (HK) Limited( 「 Eastex 」 ) 持有,而李乃熺博士, S.B.S., J.P. 為其 唯一股東及唯一董事。因此,根據證券及期貨條例,李 乃熺博士, S.B.S., J.P. 被視為於該等股份中擁有權益。 (2) 該等股份由 TAL 持有,而李國本博士於 TAL 中擁有間接股 權。因此,根據證券及期貨條例,李國本博士被視為於 該等股份中擁有權益。 (3) 於相關股份的權益指本公司根據其購股權計劃(「二零 一四年購股權計劃」)授予董事(作為實益擁有人)的購股 權,其詳情載於下文「購股權計劃」一節。 (4) 英子文先生及鍾維國先生分別退任非執行董事(「非執 董」)及獨立非執行董事(「獨董」),自本公司於二零二四 年五月二十四日舉行的股東週年大會(「二零二四年股東 週年大會」)結束後生效。 (5) 鍾順群女士退任執行董事(「執董」)及營運總監,自二零 二四年八月一日起生效。 除上文所披露者外,於二零二四年六月三十日,概 無任何本公司董事或最高行政人員或任何彼等的配 偶或十八歲以下的子女於本公司或任何相聯法團(定 義見證券及期貨條例第 XV 部)的股份、相關股份或債 權證中擁有記錄在根據證券及期貨條例第 352 條須予 備存的登記冊內的權益或淡倉,或根據標準守則已 另行知會本公司及香港聯交所的權益或淡倉。