Tradelink 2024 Interim report

14 Tradelink Electronic Commerce Limited Interim Report 2024 Management Discussion and Analysis (Continued) 管理層討論及分析(續) Business Review (Continued) Identity Management (“IDM”) Business Review (Continued) For the remainder of 2024, we are confident that our IDM business performance would considerably improve. As new cybersecurity threats and vulnerabilities keep emerging and evolving, there is ongoing demand for our IDM products and solutions to meet compliance requirements from regulatory bodies and customer expectations. As mentioned above, with the resources we allocated to R&D earlier this year, we are hopeful that we will be able to introduce new products in the latter part of the year. One worth some mentioning is a new offering specifically designed and developed to tackle the escalating risks associated with deepfake technology in the cyber world. Another new product which we are actively working on is tailored to address mobile security issues. We will work closely with the relevant regulatory bodies with regard to our new initiatives in coming months and at the same time step up our marketing efforts to raise awareness and promote our new offerings to the market. With our existing leads, ongoing projects, and our new initiatives, we hold an optimistic outlook for the performance of our IDM business for the whole of 2024. Other Services Business Review The Other Services business comprises two sub-segments – (1) Smart PoS and related business; and (2) GETS-related services. For the first half of 2024, this segment recorded a revenue of HK$15.2 million (2023: HK$16.6 million) and segment profit of HK$9.1 million (2023: HK$10.1 million). We may further breakdown the revenue into the two sub- segments with HK$4.8 million (2023: HK$5.1 million) from our Smart PoS and related business, and HK$10.4 million (2023: HK$11.5 million) from our GETS-related services. During the reporting period, the performance of our Smart PoS and related business was adversely affected by the lacklustre spending patterns of both local residents and visitors in Hong Kong’s retail market. The dampened consumer sentiment had a direct impact on our business, given its close association with the local retail sector. As our major bank customer had already ordered Smart PoS devices from us to replenish their stock at the end of last year, we received no new order from them in the first half of 2024. Indeed, due to the return of Smart PoS devices from closed retail shops, we had a net drop in the total number of Smart PoS devices which we deployed for retail clients of our bank customers. Consequently, our M&S services revenue from Smart PoS dropped 3% year-on-year. Other revenue coming from this business sub-segment included a few minor value-added applications and enhancement projects. 業務回顧(續) 身份管理(「身份管理」)業務回顧(續) 於二零二四年下半年,我們有信心身份管理業務的 表現將會大幅改善。隨著新的網絡安全威脅和漏洞 不斷出現和演變,市場對我們的身份管理產品和解 決方案的需求持續增加,以滿足監管機構的合規要 求和客戶期望。如上文所述,憑藉我們於今年早段 分配於研發的資源,我們期望能於本年度後期推出 新產品。值得一提的是,我們正設計和開發一款新 產品,以專門應對網絡世界中日益增長與深度偽造 技術有關的風險。另一款我們正積極研發的新產品 乃專門針對流動安全問題的。在未來幾個月,我們 將就新舉措與相關監管機構緊密合作,同時加強市 場推廣力度,提高認知度並向市場推廣我們的新產 品。憑藉我們現有的潛在客戶、正在進行的項目以 及我們的新舉措,我們對身份管理業務於二零二四 年全年的表現持樂觀態度。 其他服務業務回顧 其他服務業務包括兩個子分部 – (1) 智能銷售點及 相關業務;及 (2)GETS 相關服務。於二零二四年上 半年,此分部錄得收益港幣 15,200,000 元(二零二三 年:港幣 16,600,000 元)及分部溢利港幣 9,100,000 元 (二零二三年:港幣 10,100,000 元)。我們可以進一步 將收益分為兩個子分部,其中來自智能銷售點及相 關業務的收益為港幣 4,800,000 元(二零二三年:港幣 5,100,000 元),而來自 GETS 相關服務的收益為港幣 10,400,000 元(二零二三年:港幣 11,500,000 元)。 於報告期間,本地居民及訪客在香港零售市場的消 費意慾低迷,對我們的智能銷售點及相關業務的表 現造成不利影響。消費者情緒低迷直接影響我們的 業務,因其與本地零售業息息相關。由於我們的主 要銀行客戶已於去年年底向我們訂購智能銷售點裝 置以補充庫存,我們於二零二四年上半年並無收到 他們的新訂單。事實上,由於關閉的零售店退回智 能銷售點裝置,我們為銀行客戶的零售客戶設置的 智能銷售點裝置總數呈現淨減情況。因此,我們來 自智能銷售點的維護及支援服務收益按年下跌 3% 。 此業務子分部的其他收益包括數個小型增值應用及 升級項目。