Tradelink 2024 Interim report

12 Tradelink Electronic Commerce Limited Interim Report 2024 Management Discussion and Analysis (Continued) 管理層討論及分析(續) 業務回顧(續) 電子商貿業務回顧(續) 就政府的單一窗口發展方面,其對我們來說可能既 有危亦有機,我們正等待政府就單一窗口項目下未 來增值服務供應商市場提供更明確的政策方向。當 然,憑藉我們在提供高品質服務以滿足客戶多樣化 業務及營運需求方面的豐富經驗,我們有信心大部 分甚至全部客戶將繼續依賴我們來滿足他們在單一 窗口項目下的服務及監管要求。我們既有的專業知 識、可靠性和對滿足客戶期望的承諾,使我們能夠 在單一窗口環境中繼續有效地滿足他們的需求。同 時,現有的 GETS 合約已被政府延長至二零二七年年 底,其為我們提供進一步加強與客戶關係的空間, 從而提升客戶對我們的忠誠度。 隨著我們在今年六月完成對供應鏈應用方案業務的 策略審查,我們有信心,透過我們為更新和振興業 務所採取的行動,加上已獲得的新訂單,此子分部 在今年下半年將會有更好的前景。事實上,我們在 新管理團隊的領導下實施全新的策略和營運措施 後,已成功在競爭激烈的供應鏈市場中重新自我定 位。因此,我們於報告期間成功獲得新訂單。憑藉 此正面勢頭,我們預計其表現將於二零二四年下半 年進一步增長和改善。 整體而言,除非有重大災難嚴重影響全球經濟,我 們對電子商貿分部整體於二零二四年全年的前景保 持合理信心。 Business Review (Continued) E-Commerce Business Review (Continued) Regarding the development of the Government’s TSW which might pose a threat as well as an opportunity to us, we are awaiting a clearer policy direction from the Government regarding the future Value Added Service Provider market under TSW. Certainly, with our extensive track record of providing high-quality services that cater to our customers’ diverse business and operational needs, we are confident that the majority, if not all, of our customers will continue to rely on us for their services and regulatory requirements under the TSW. Our established expertise, reliability, and commitment to meeting customer expectations have positioned us well to continue serving their needs effectively within the TSW environment. Meanwhile, the current GETS contract which has been extended by the Government till the end of 2027 provides us with the room to further strengthen our relationship with customers, and thus enhancing customer loyalty with us. Following the completion of the strategic review of our SCS business in June this year, we are confident that with the actions we have taken to refresh and revitalise the business, along with the acquisition of new orders, this sub-segment will achieve a more favourable outlook for the remainder of the year. Indeed, with the implementation of refreshed strategic and operational measures led by our new management team, we have effectively repositioned ourselves in the competitive supply chain market. This has resulted in the successful acquisition of new orders during the reporting period. Building on this positive momentum, we anticipate further growth and improvement of its performance in the second half of 2024. Overall speaking, barring any significant catastrophe that could adversely affect the global economy, we maintain a reasonable level of confidence regarding the outlook of our combined E-Commerce segment for the whole of 2024.