Tradelink 2024 Interim report

11 貿易通電子貿易有限公司 二零二四年中期報告 Management Discussion and Analysis (Continued) 管理層討論及分析(續) Business Review (Continued) E-Commerce Business Review (Continued) Regarding our SCS business, its performance was indeed quite pleasing with a year-on-year growth of 17.9% in turnover while we were in the middle of carrying out the strategic review. Not only the revenue generated from our ongoing M&S and other services remained stable, but also there was an increase in revenue from developing project income, including enhancements of previously developed and deployed solutions for our customers. Additionally, we successfully secured a new project during the reporting period, with work-in-progress revenue recognised. The new order came from a renowned tobacco trader, who required our flagship product, the Warehouse Management System to be integrated with our Dutiable Commodity Permit services under GETS to manage its tobacco warehouse inventory and operations. The solution was similar to the one we previously deployed for another customer in dutiable commodities trading. In terms of the outlook of our GETS business sub-segment for the remainder of the year, it is contingent upon various factors, particularly the global economy and the performance of Hong Kong’s major trading partners. The conflicting economic data in the first half of the year made it hard to determine for sure where the global economy be headed. While some forecast a continued and steady growth, others are adopting a more cautious view. Despite the persistent challenges posed by high interest rates and ongoing geopolitical risks, the global economy has demonstrated remarkable resilience thus far. Taking these into consideration, we have a reasonable level of confidence regarding the positive trajectory of our GETS market for the second half of 2024. As explained above, if the growth would come more from our other customers rather than the key courier customers, our absolute benefit would be higher, but we would leave it to the market to play out the dynamics as it is beyond our control. In any case given an expanded market and an increase in our overall business volume, we feel optimistic about our GETS business for the whole of 2024. 業務回顧(續) 電子商貿業務回顧(續) 在我們的供應鏈應用方案業務方面,在我們進行策 略審查期間,營業額按年增長 17.9% ,其表現確實令 人滿意。不僅是持續維護及支援服務和其他服務的 收益保持穩定,來自開發中項目收入的收益也有所 增加,包括為客戶升級已開發和設置的解決方案。 此外,我們於報告期間成功獲得一個新項目,並已 確認進行中項目的收益。新訂單來自一間知名煙草 貿易商,其要求把我們的旗艦產品倉庫管理系統連 接到我們 GETS 項下的應課稅品許可證服務,以管理 其煙草倉庫的存貨及營運。該解決方案類似於我們 先前為另一名應課稅品交易客戶設置的方案。 就我們 GETS 業務子分部於今年下半年的前景而言, 其取決於各種因素,尤其是全球經濟及香港主要貿 易夥伴的表現。今年上半年的經濟數據不一致,使 人難以確定全球經濟的走向。雖然部分人士預測將 會有持續穩定的增長,但亦有其他人士採取較為審 慎的看法。儘管高利率和持續的地緣政治風險帶來 持久挑戰,全球經濟迄今已展現出非凡的韌性。考 慮到此等因素,我們對 GETS 市場在二零二四年下半 年的正面發展趨勢持合理信心。如上所述,如果增 長更多來自我們的其他客戶而非主要快遞客戶,我 們實際上會受惠較多,但我們會交由市場去主導, 因這並非我們所能控制。無論如何,鑒於市場擴展 及我們整體業務量的增加,我們對二零二四年全年 GETS 業務充滿信心。