Tradelink 2024 Interim report

Management Discussion and Analysis 管理層討論及分析 10 Tradelink Electronic Commerce Limited Interim Report 2024 業務回顧 電子商貿業務回顧 於二零二四年上半年,我們電子商貿業務的總收益 按年上升 7.9% 至港幣 85,200,000 元(二零二三年:港 幣 79,000,000 元)。 GETS 子分部的收益上升 6.6% 至港 幣 74,600,000 元(二零二三年:港幣 70,000,000 元), 而供應鏈應用方案子分部的收益上升 17.9% 至港幣 10,600,000 元(二零二三年:港幣 9,000,000 元)。由於 沒有去年為慶祝本集團成立三十五週年所產生的與 員工及客戶開支有關的一次性額外企業開支,連同 有效的成本控制,於二零二四年上半年的可呈報分 部溢利按年大幅增長 28.9% 至港幣 27,100,000 元(二零 二三年:港幣 21,100,000 元)。 於報告期間,由於各種地緣政治緊張局勢和經濟挑 戰,外部環境依然複雜多變。然而,儘管面臨此等 挑戰,全球經濟增長仍然相對穩定。在此宏觀經濟 背景下,香港的對外貿易活動在二零二四年上半年 表現較去年同期更佳。此乃主要歸因於外部需求有 所改善,當然,與去年較低基數作比較也是原因之 一。 GETS 的經營環境與香港的對外貿易表現息息相 關,隨著整體市場按年增長 7.4% ,經營環境轉趨有 利。受惠於市場擴展,因而業務量增加,我們 GETS 子分部的收益增長 6.6% 。 誠如我們在過往的報告中所述, GETS 子分部的收 益主要取決於業務量和每筆交易的定價。收益增長 率較低於市場乃由於我們主要快遞客戶的業務量異 常激增,而我們向其提供大幅折扣價格。因此,市 場交易與我們收益之間存在相關性,但並非直線關 係。 Business Review E-Commerce Business Review For the first half of 2024, total revenue of our E-Commerce business was up 7.9% year-on-year to HK$85.2 million (2023: HK$79.0 million). Revenue from the GETS sub-segment rose 6.6% to HK$74.6 million (2023: HK$70.0 million) and that from the SCS sub-segment was up 17.9% to HK$10.6 million (2023: HK$9.0 million). Without the one- off additional corporate expenses related to the staff and customer expenses incurred in celebration of the Group’s 35th anniversary last year as well as with effective cost control, the reportable segment profit for the first half of 2024 grew by an impressive 28.9% year-on-year, reaching HK$27.1 million (2023: HK$21.1 million). During the reporting period, the external environment remained complicated and volatile as a result of various geopolitical tensions and economic challenges. However, despite these challenges, global economic growth held up relatively well. Against such macro-economic backdrop, Hong Kong’s external trade activities performed better in the first half of 2024 when compared to the same period last year. This was mainly attributable to the improvement in external demand, and certainly a low base for comparison last year was also a contributing factor. The GETS’ operating environment which closely ties to Hong Kong’s external trade performance turned favourable with the overall market grew 7.4% year-on-year. Benefitted from this expanded market and hence increase in business volume, our GETS sub-segment revenue grew 6.6%. As previously explained in our reports, the GETS sub-segment revenue is largely dependent on volume and pricing per transaction. The lower revenue growth rate than that of the market was attributed to the exceptional surge in business volume from our key courier customers to whom we offered steep volume discount prices. Therefore, the correlation between market transaction and our revenue is there but not a straight-line relationship.