Tradelink 2024 Interim report

8 Tradelink Electronic Commerce Limited Interim Report 2024 Chairman’s Statement (Continued) 主席報告書(續) Regarding our Smart PoS and related business, in light of the ongoing challenges in the retail market, particularly in the short to medium term, we are actively exploring different opportunities to collaborate with potential partners as appropriate to deploy and/or enhance our service and product offerings. Indeed, we would shortly introduce a new payment function in our Smart PoS device that will further enhance its usability. Furthermore, we are rather hopeful that we would be able to sign up a new bank customer to whom we would sell our Smart PoS devices to deploy and provide M&S services to its merchant clients. These are positive signs giving us the confidence that we have a better outlook for this sub-segment. Last but not least, with regard to our GETS and GETS-related services business sub-segments, we are also reasonably confident about their performance for the remainder of 2024, as supported by a stable competitive environment and a positive outlook for the Hong Kong external trade market. Furthermore, it is customary for more trade activities to take place in the second half of the year, which we anticipate will result in an increase in transaction volume for our GETS and its related business. In conclusion, I am confident of our performance for the remainder of the year barring unforeseen circumstances and would like to recommend an interim dividend of HK 3.7 cents per share for the first half of 2024, on par with last year’s interim dividend. Dr. LEE Harry Nai Shee , S.B.S., J.P. Chairman Hong Kong, 28 August 2024 在我們的智能銷售點及相關業務方面,鑒於零售市 場面臨持續挑戰(尤其是在中短期內),我們正積極 探索與潛在合作夥伴合作的不同機遇,以設置及╱ 或提升我們的服務及產品供應。事實上,我們將很 快在智能銷售點裝置中引入新的支付功能,以進一 步提高其可用性。此外,我們抱有相當期望能夠簽 定一名新銀行客戶,向其出售我們的智能銷售點裝 置,以為其商戶客戶設置裝置並提供維護及支援服 務。此等正面跡象令我們相信此子分部擁有更好前 景。 最後,就我們的 GETS 及 GETS 相關服務業務子分部而 言,受惠於穩定的競爭環境及香港對外貿易市場的 正向前景,我們亦對其於二零二四年下半年的表現 持合理信心。此外,貿易活動通常於下半年更為活 躍,我們預計該情況將導致 GETS 及其相關業務的交 易量有所增加。 總括而言,除非出現不可預見的情況,本人對我們 於今年下半年的表現充滿信心,並建議就二零二四 年上半年派發中期股息每股 3.7 港仙,與去年中期股 息持平。 主席 李乃熺博士 , S.B.S., J.P. 香港,二零二四年八月二十八日