貿易通 2021 年年報
57 二零二一年年報 貿易通電子貿易有限公司 Corporate Governance Report (Continued) 企業管治報告書(續) (4) 董事會(續) (vi) 董事會會議及股東大會 於二零二一年,本公司曾舉行五次董 事會會議及一次股東週年大會,董事 於本公司董事會會議及股東週年大會 的出席率如下: 附註: (1) 李國本博士因其他事先工作安排而 未克出席於二零二一年二月五日舉 行的董事會會議。 (4) Board of Directors (Continued) (vi) Board Meetings and General Meeting During 2021, five board meetings and an AGM were held. The attendance of Directors in board meetings and AGM of the Company is as follows: Board meetings attended/Eligible to attend 2021 AGM attended/ Eligible to attend 已出席╱合資格 出席董事會 會議次數 已出席╱合資格 出席二零二一年 股東週年大會次數 Chairman and Non-executive Director 主席兼非執行董事 Dr. LEE Nai Shee, Harry, S.B.S., J.P. 李乃熺博士, S.B.S., J.P. 5/5 1/1 Executive Directors 執行董事 Mr. TSE Kam Keung (Chief Executive Officer) 謝錦強先生 (行政總裁) 5/5 1/1 Mr. CHENG Chun Chung, Andrew (Chief Technology Officer) 鄭俊聰先生 (技術總監) 5/5 1/1 Ms. CHUNG Shun Kwan, Emily (Chief Operations Officer) 鍾順群女士 (營運總監) 5/5 1/1 Non-executive Directors 非執行董事 Dr. LEE Delman (1) 李國本博士 (1) 4/5 1/1 Mr. YING Tze Man, Kenneth 英子文先生 5/5 1/1 Mr. YUEN Wing Sang, Vincent 袁永生先生 5/5 1/1 Independent Non-executive Directors 獨立非執行董事 Mr. CHAK Hubert 翟廸強先生 5/5 1/1 Mr. CHAU Tak Hay 周德熙先生 5/5 1/1 Ms. CHAN Chi Yan 陳紫茵女士 5/5 1/1 Mr. CHUNG Wai Kwok, Jimmy 鍾維國先生 5/5 1/1 Mr. HO Lap Kee, Sunny, M.H., J.P. 何立基先生, M.H., J.P. 5/5 1/1 Note: (1) Dr. LEE Delman apologized for the Board meeting held on 5 February 2021 due to other prior business engagements.
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