貿易通 2021 年年報

187 二零二一年年報 貿易通電子貿易有限公司 Notes to the Financial Statements (Continued) 財務報表附註(續) 20 應付賬款、合約負債及其 他應付款項(續) (d) 租賃負債 下表顯示本集團於報告期末租賃負債 的剩餘合約到期日: 21 長期服務金撥備 20 Trade creditors, contract liabilities and other payables (Continued) (d) Lease liabilities The following table shows the remaining contractual maturities of the Group’s lease liabilities at the end of the reporting period: 2021 2020 二零二一年 二零二零年 Present value of the minimum lease payments Total minimum lease payments Present value of the minimum lease payments Total minimum lease payments 最低租賃 付款現值 最低租賃 付款總額 最低租賃 付款現值 最低租賃 付款總額 HK$’000 HK$’000 HK$’000 HK$’000 港幣千元 港幣千元 港幣千元 港幣千元 Within one year 一年內 931 948 1,222 1,262 More than one year but within five years 超過一年但五年內 269 272 1,200 1,221 1,200 1,220 2,422 2,483 Less: total future interest expenses 減:未來利息開支總額 (20) (61) Present value of lease liabilities 租賃負債現值 1,200 2,422 21 Provision for long service payments 2021 2020 二零二一年 二零二零年 HK$’000 HK$’000 港幣千元 港幣千元 As at 1 January 於一月一日 3,012 3,120 Released 已發放 (12) (18) Reversal of provision credited to profit or loss 於損益扣除的撥備 (195) (90) As at 31 December 於十二月三十一日 2,805 3,012