貿易通 2021 年年報
Chairman’s Statement (Continued) 主席報告書(續) 13 二零二一年年報 貿易通電子貿易有限公司 Dividends As always, we assign priority to our shareholders’ interests. As the Group has on the whole been keeping debt-free with a healthy cash reserve, the board of directors of the Company (“Board” or “Board of Directors”) has recommended a nearly 100% payout of the Group’s total profit of HK$73.7 million in 2021. This would mean a final dividend of HK 6.45 cents per share, representing a payout ratio of 99.8% of our total profit in 2021. Together with the interim dividend payout of HK 2.8 cents per share for the first half of 2021, the total dividend for the entire year of 2021 will be HK 9.25 cents per share, 0.5% higher than the total dividend payout of HK 9.2 cents per share for 2020. Acknowledgement Finally, I would like to take the opportunity to express my sincere gratitude to our shareholders, customers and my fellow Board members for their continued support of the Group. I would also like to thank our staff for their commitment and contributions, particularly in ensuring the effectiveness of the Group’s operations and continued delivery of quality services to our customers, throughout the past challenging year under the threat of the ongoing pandemic. Dr. LEE Nai Shee, Harry , S.B.S., J.P. Chairman Hong Kong, 22 March 2022 股息 一如既往,我們以股東利益為上。由於本集團一直 在整體上保持零債務,且現金儲備穩健,本公司董 事會(「董事會」)已建議派付本集團於二零二一年的 溢利總額港幣 73,700,000 元的近 100% 。末期股息 為每股 6.45 港仙,派息率為二零二一年溢利總額的 99.8% 。連同二零二一年上半年的中期股息派付每 股 2.8 港仙,二零二一年全年的股息總額將為每股 9.25 港仙,較二零二零年的股息派付總額每股 9.2 港 仙高 0.5% 。 致意 最後,本人謹藉此機會衷心感謝股東、客戶及董事 會成員一直以來對本集團的支持。本人亦要感謝員 工的付出和貢獻,特別是過去一年在疫情持續下挑 戰重重,全賴員工緊守崗位,確保本集團有效運 營,繼續為客戶提供優質服務。 主席 李乃熺博士 , S.B.S., J.P. 香港,二零二二年三月二十二日
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