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(Newsletter 1H 2020)
Intelligent Supply Chain Solutions entered the recycling/environmental protection industry
Our Intelligent Supply Chain Solutions Business has made its entrance into the recycling/environmental protection industry as we have successfully won two notable projects supporting the Environmental Protection Department ("EPD") and its contractor on waste collection and recycling works.

For the first project in the recycling/environmental protection industry confirmed before the end of last year, we will develop a Transportation Management System/Warehouse Management System solution for a government contractor to enhance its Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment ("WEEE") collection tracking system. Processing up to 1,000 WEEE collection/delivery orders a day, our solution helps the client to improve its inventory management, fleet scheduling, tracking performance and notably, the capability of capturing detailed lifecycle information of WEEE items and compiling reports to meet EPD’s regulatory requirements.

With this strong customer reference, coupled with our proven ability to provide on-going support to a large user base, we have also won a contract from EPD in May this year for the "Provision of Service for an Enhanced Tracking of Chemical Waste and Clinical Waste Consignment". We will develop a Waste Consignment Management System ("WCMS") for EPD and provide continuous operational support to over 40,000 users of the system including waste producers, collectors and disposal sites. The WCMS will allow real-time monitoring and surveillance of the chemical and clinical waste collection process through a web-based system and with the use of smartphone application and smart cards.

These two cases clearly demonstrate the versatility and adaptability of applications of our Intelligent Supply Chain Solutions to meet different business and / or operational needs.
Enhanced eKYC solutions to support identity documents beyond HKID card
To keep pace with fast evolving technology and market development, our Identity Management Business has enhanced its electronic Know-Your-Customer ("eKYC") solutions to support other identity documents beyond the Hong Kong Identity ("HKID") Card.

As each identity document has its own set of anti-forgery features and follows different standards, we have deployed extensive resources on research and development of solutions to enhance our eKYC solutions to support not only HKID Card (2003 and new 2018) but also identity documents beyond HKID card such as Exit-Entry Permit for Travelling to and from Hong Kong and Macau ("EEP") and China Identity Cards ("CNID")/Passports. Our comprehensive eKYC solutions provide us a key competitive edge to differentiate our solutions from other similar solutions in the market. While our comprehensive eKYC solutions have drawn significant interest from a number of potential new customers, we have also received new orders from existing customers for an extension of the current eKYC solutions we provided to them supporting only HKID Cards.

Given the travel restrictions due to COVID-19 and the rapid development of the Greater Bay Area, we expect that the demand for digital onboarding and hence our eKYC solutions will continue to grow in the near future for various industries such as banking, insurance and other online business and services.
More opportunities in the insurance industry for Identity Management Business
Following its entrance into the insurance industry last year, our Identity Management Business maintains its momentum this year working closely with the insurance industry.

While the Insurance Authority ("IA") is pushing for InsurTech adoption under the InsurTech Sandbox, the practice of social distancing due to COVID-19 has resulted in more insurers looking into offering remote insurance purchase via online/mobile platform, allowing customers to purchase insurance anytime and anywhere without the need of face-to-face engagement. This has created exciting opportunities for us given the comprehensiveness and proven capability of our solutions in complying with regulatory requirements. We are delighted to secure new orders for our eKYC solutions for digital onboarding supporting purchase of common high-value products such as life and health insurance. Indeed our solutions in principle can support all types of insurance.

Riding on our strong client networks, we will explore more opportunities to apply our suite of identity management solutions in the insurance industry to address the industry needs.
  Ms Grace Wong     Tel: (852) 2161 4370     Fax: (852) 2506 0188     Email: ir@tradelink.com.hk  
  Head Office: 11/F & 12/F, Tower B, Regent Centre, 63 Wo Yi Hop Road, Kwai Chung, Hong Kong  
  Website: www.tradelink.com.hk