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(Newsletter 1H 2017)
Submitted Government Electronic Trading Services (GETS) tender to Hong Kong Government
Tradelink has submitted our proposals in response to the tender issued by Government in April 2017 for the new GETS contract starting January 2019.  The new GETS contract will run from 2019 to 2024, with three years possible extension at the Government's option.  Same as current operating environment, Government intend to appoint three service providers.   Result of the GETS tender will be announced by end of 2017.  As the dominate market player, we have been providing GETS for the trading community since 1997 initially under a 7-year exclusive franchise followed by two GETS contracts which we successfully won through two tendering exercises. With our past two decades' robust experience, we are confident in continuing providing the services to our clients under the new GETS contract.
At the latest update by the Government at the Legco Panel on Commerce and Industry in April 2017 on Trade Single Window (SW) implementation, Government emphasized the need for robust engagement with the industry on business process review due to the changes arising from SW implementation. At the same time, they need to get the necessary funding approval for the design and development of the SW system.  Formulating and drafting a new enabling bill as well as making amendments to some 40 pieces of existing legislations is also required to support the use of SW and the new documentation regime under SW.  Currently, they are working closely with the Department of Justice and the related parties on this mega exercise to prepare the legislative proposals. (Extracted from Administration's paper on "Way Forward for the Development of Trade Single Window")
Support a major bank with mobile fingerprint authentication solution
Digi-Sign, our subsidiary was appointed by a major bank in Hong Kong to provide a fingerprint authentication solution as secure measures for authenticating identity of their personal mobile banking users. Besides supporting most of the smartphones and being flexible and scalable, our solution adopts FIDO (Fast Identity Online) standard which can support different biological attributes (such as face, voice and fingerprint) for authentication of transaction and more than one attribute for particularly high risk transactions, like securities trading. This is also a key differentiator of our solution from others in the market. More
Delivered our delivery order management system (DOMS) to Dubai
Recommended by the renowned multinational home furniture retail store in Hong Kong currently using our delivery order management system (DOMS) for track-and-trace and proof-of-delivery of their customer orders, the franchisee in United Arab Emirates has also confirmed deploying the same solution for their stores in UAE.
The first installation was successfully implemented in Dubai before end of last year for their fleet of 160 trucks followed by extension to other Emirates including Abu Dhabi in 2017. Benefited from our smart map engine for route and schedule planning, their delivery capacity has increased from the previous 50% using manual method to almost 100% using our solution with customization addressing the special operation and geographic needs in the desert areas. This success story not only enhances our customer reference, but also a testament of the versatility and modulability of our solution.
Participated in the Retail Asia Expo to demonstrate our one-stop solutions from inventory management to point-of-sale (POS) and beyond
Tradelink participated in the Retail Asia Expo from 13 to 15 Jun 2017 at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre showcasing our innovative suite of solutions for the retail industry, from warehouse / inventory management to POS with smart terminal functions on one single device. Our solutions ensure data synchronization, provide real time visibility of inventory and delivery status and support various payment methods with a wide variety of customized business applications.

Our solutions generated significant interests from many well-known merchants at the Expo. We will seize the opportunities to work with these potential customers and partners replicating our solutions for deployment in different retail sectors helping them to improve customers experience and generate more sales. More
  Ms Grace Wong     Tel: (852) 2161 4370     Fax: (852) 2506 0188     Email: ir@tradelink.com.hk  
  Head Office: 11/F & 12/F, Tower B, Regent Centre, 63 Wo Yi Hop Road, Kwai Chung, Hong Kong  
  Website: www.tradelink.com.hk